How Organic Composting Can Help Reduce Waste and Pollution

The company Etsy has always made recycling and composting an integral part of their company culture – even when they were small and long before New York made it mandatory to do so. In the past, Etsy required its employees to take organic waste to a local farm by bicycle. While some employees grumbled at the chore, others enjoyed it and its purpose. It, however, wasn’t a very efficient system.
Like many other companies, Etsy has moved away from requiring their employees to do the dirty work. They now hire private carter, Royal Waste, to collect their waste. Nicholas Perrone recently created a project around Etsy and organic composting in New York. According to the “How One Tech Company Grew a New Composting Strategy”:
“Etsy currently separates out their organic waste so that it can be collected by Royal Waste Services. Once compiled and processed at their Queens facility, Royal Waste transports their food scraps to the McEnroe Organic Farm in Millerton, New York, 100 miles away from New York City.”
Where Does Organic Waste End Up?
The company is currently working towards a goal of becoming a zero-waste facility, and they are heavily investing in strategies to achieve this goal. It’s important to mention that “Etsy is currently diverting 88 percent of their waste from the landfill, up from 84 percent the previous year, according to Dickson. Their goal is to reach 90 percent landfill diversion by 2020.”
Want to learn more about where the organic wastes ends up and how it is processed into renewable resources? Watch the video created by Nicholas Perrone here:
If you’d like to learn more about Royal Waste and how you can implement recycling practices at your business, please visit our website, or contact us for more information.