Royal WasteNews


8 Simple Ways to Reduce Waste

There is no question that everyone should want to do their part to reduce waste. Fortunately, it isn’t difficult to show a little love to the environment. Simply implement a few easy steps into your daily routine.

America’s Waste Problem

Did you know that the average American produces roughly 4.5 lbs of trash daily? On an annual basis, this turns into over 2 and a half million tons of waste, some of which are recycled or composted, and some of which are not. This problem goes far beyond merely not finishing a plate of food or drinking from a plastic water bottle. This level of waste is detrimental to the environment, as well as to habitats of countless creatures.

How Can You Reduce Waste?

Few people devote much thought to recycling beyond filling that extra bucket next to their dumpster. Recycling is important, but you can help in countless other ways too! The following are a few ways to reduce waste and help the environment.

1. Repurpose food scraps.

Ideally, you shouldn’t cook more food than you can eat. It’s always best to clean your plate rather than throw out extras. However, for extra scraps like produce peelings, rinds, etc., you can compost them and feed them back to the earth. Likewise, you can feed scraps to animals (within reason, of course!) or repurpose items like bones into other foods. Ultimately, just be conscious of what you are placing in the trash can, and whether or not that item truly needs to be thrown away.

2. Use reusable bags and bottles.

It’s true that paper bags are better for the environment than plastic bags. However, better than both are reusable bags. Many grocery stores will give you money back for every reusable bag you bring, as it saves on paper and plastic. You can save money and avoid wasting bags at the same time.

The same is true of water bottles. Although plastic bottles are convenient, they often get thrown out, crowding the environment with harmful materials. Instead, use a water filter and a reusable bottle. Once again, save money and go green.

3. Do more laundry, fill fewer trash bags.

Paper towels and napkins fill kitchen trash cans faster than anything, but are they truly necessary? Reusable rags and soft cloths make wonderful substitutes and can be washed and used again and again.

4. Avoid disposable storage.

Another hidden waste culprit is in disposable storage. Instead of packing work lunches in plastic wrap or baggies, use reusable storage containers. Additionally, purchase unpackaged produce, rather than the pre-peeled produce in plastic containers.

5. Reduce waste by eliminating junk mail.

Nobody likes receiving junk mail, but did you know that thousands of pounds of junk mail and phone books wind up in landfills? Request to receive your bills in an electronic format, and call other companies to request that they stop sending you ads.

6. Watch your straws and utensils.

Plastic straws, forks, and spoons contribute to much of America’s waste. Take a stand against waste by using regular silverware whenever possible, even if you have to carry a travel set with you.

7. Recycle correctly.

Although it’s good practice to have a recycling bin, many people recycle incorrectly, making it difficult for workers. Make sure you rinse glass, metal, plastic, and paper containers. Do not place food scraps or fabrics in recycling bins.

8. Shop thrift stores.

Thrift stores provide a great alternative to fast fashion, which encourages the mass-production of new, unrecyclable clothing. Clothing plays an enormous role in the crowding of landfills, and thrifting helps curb the problem.

Who Are We, and How Can We Help?

Royal Waste seeks to educate residents on the benefits of both recycling and composting and continues to be a driving force behind the goal of reducing landfill waste.

With the suspension of the city composting program, Royal Waste has become an even greater force behind the push for the 90% reduction of landfill waste, by stepping in to fill the gap in residential composting services.  The company has dedicated compost trucks in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx. 

From farm to recycling and back to the farm, Royal Waste’s Organics Recycling program is a true closed-loop system. Contact Royal Waste Today for more information. 

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