Garden Gold: The Benefits Of Composting For Healthy Soil
Composting is the biological process of decomposing biodegradable matter into its parts. It creates a dark, loamy, nutrient-rich material that can be used as a soil modification to improve soil quality and help plants grow. Composting has many benefits for the environment, economy, and society.
if you are looking for a company that provides dependable, professional waste and recycling services and composting, then Royal Waste is the right choice! We have been in the business for 20 years, offering our customers reliable and trustworthy service.
What Is Composting?
Composting breaks down organic matter, such as leaves and food waste, into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. The process is simple: microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, break down the organic matter into simpler compounds used by plants. Composting requires four key ingredients:
- Oxygen—is necessary for the microorganisms to break down the organic matter.
- Water—helps to keep the compost pile moist, which is essential for the organisms to thrive.
- Carbon-rich materials provide food for microorganisms.
- Nitrogen-rich materials help speed up the decomposition process.
By following these simple guidelines, you can turn your kitchen scraps and yard trash into a valuable resource for your garden. Additionally, many companies provide composting services at very reasonable prices.
What Can be Composted?
When composting, certain things can be composted, such as:
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Eggshells
- Coffee grounds and filters/Tea bags
- Nutshells or food waste
- Yard trimmings leftover
- Paper
- Houseplants
- Cotton/ Wool rags
You should avoid a few things when adding to your compost pile. These include:
- Meat
- Bones
- Dairy products
- Fats and oils
- Diseased plants
- Treated wood
- Pet waste
While it may seem like common sense to avoid adding meat and animal products to your compost pile (after all, you don’t want your compost smelling like a garbage can), there’s another good reason—these items attract rodents and other pests and introduce harmful bacteria into your compost.
Process of composting
Composting occurs naturally but can be accelerated by adding certain ingredients and providing the right conditions. There are four main steps in the composting process:
The first step in composting is to collect organic waste. It can be done by placing a designated container in your kitchen or yard or collecting waste as you generate it. For best results, aim for a mix of green and brown materials.
Green materials are high in nitrogen and include fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, and grass clippings. Brown materials are high in carbon and include leaves, twigs, and shredded paper.
Once you have collected enough organic material, it’s time to mix it up. This helps to break down the material more quickly and evenly. The ideal ratio of green to brown materials is 3:1.
The next step is to add moisture to the compost pile. This can be done with water. Add enough moisture, so the material is damp but not soggy— too much water will slow down the process.
The final step is to aerate the compost pile. This can be done by turning it with a pitchfork or shovel every few days, or by using an aeration tool such as a hole borer. Aerating allows oxygen to reach the microbes that break down the organic matter, resulting in faster decomposition.
Environmental Benefits Of Composting
Composting has significant benefits for the environment. Some of them are:
Nutritious For Soil
Indigenous peoples have long used compost to improve the fertility of their agricultural land. Compost is a perfect way to add nutrients to poor-quality soil and improve its water-holding capacity. It can also help to reduce the need for chemical fertilizers, which can leach into groundwater and cause environmental damage. It also helps balance the PH levels of soil health and allows for better moisture infiltration.
Cleaner Ocean Water
Ocean water becomes polluted when large amounts of organic material, such as leaves and branches, break down and release nutrients. These nutrients can cause algae blooms, which deplete the oxygen in the water and harm marine life. However, compost can help to remove these pollutants from the water. As compost breaks down, it absorbs nutrients, keeping them out of the ocean. In addition, compost creates bacteria that consume organic matter, helping to keep waterways clean.
Prevents Soil Erosion
Soil erosion is a major environmental problem. Eroded soil is often rinsed by rain or blown away by the wind, causing landslides and other damage. Compost can help to reduce soil erosion in two ways:
- First, the roots of plants grown in compost hold the soil in place better than those produced in other types of soils.
- Second, when compost is spread on a field’s surface, it helps deflect raindrops and slow down the flow of rainwater, giving the ground a chance to absorb the water before it runs off. As a result, compost can play an essential role in preventing soil erosion and protecting our environment.
Reduces GreenHouse Gas And CO2
When organic matter breaks down in a landfill, it produces methane. This greenhouse gas is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Composting reduces the methane produced by decomposing organic matter by up to 90%.
Economic Benefits Of Composting
Composting can be valuable for the economy. Here are a few benefits composting has for the economy:
Increases Food Resources
One way in which composting can help to increase food resources is by increasing the fertility of the soil. This, in turn, can lead to higher yields for farmers and more food for consumers. In addition, composting can also help improve the soil’s quality, making it more effective at retaining water and nutrients. This can increase crop yields and reduce the need for costly fertilizer inputs.
Reduces Waste Disposal Cost
Another economic benefit of composting is that it can help to reduce waste disposal costs. It would otherwise be sent to a landfill that can be recycled back into the soil through composting. This not only reduces disposal costs but also helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from decomposing waste.
Reduces Production Cost For Farmers
This is because compost can be used as a natural fertilizer, meaning farmers do not have to purchase expensive chemical inputs. In addition, compost can also help to improve drainage, irrigation, and aeration in the soil, for healthy plant growth. As a result, using compost can lead to reduced production costs and more nutritious crops.
Social Benefits Of Composting
Below are a few social benefits of composting:
Reduce Landfill Waste
When organic waste is sent to a landfill, it decomposes and releases methane gas, a potent greenhouse gas. This contributes to climate change and can hurt human health. Composting organic waste reduces methane emissions and helps combat climate change.
Healthier Lifestyle
Composting also promotes healthier lifestyles. Using compost instead of chemical fertilizers helps to improve soil quality, and growing food in healthy soils reduces the risk of exposure to harmful chemicals and toxins. This can lead to healthier food options and reduce the likelihood of developing chronic illnesses. Composting is an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint and promote a healthier lifestyle.
Enlightens The Importance Of Recycling
Composting is a great way to teach and educate people about the importance of recycling organic materials instead of sending them to landfill sites, where they will release methane gas into the atmosphere. Composting can also help people understand the value of healthy soil and how it benefits plant life, which benefits us all.
Compost Your Waste With Royal Waste
Many people think that organic composting is complicated and messy. However, it can be easy and have a lot of advantages. With planning and forethought, anyone can start composting and reaping its many benefits. Not only is composting great for the environment, but it can also save you and your business money and help build community relationships.
Royal Waste Services would be happy to help your restaurant, business, or residence start composting! We offer residential and commercial organic waste removal services, including organic waste collection. Let’s work together to turn your organic waste into valuable compost and help the environment.